Remarks by
The Honourable Anita Neville, P.C., O.M.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Government House
Monday, June 26, 2023, 2:00 p.m.
(please check against delivery)
Fellow Canadians – new and old – welcome to Government House and this celebration of citizenship.
As Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, I honour and acknowledge that we are gathered on Treaty One land, and in the heartland of the Red River Metis.
This beautiful and diverse province is also the ancestral and the present-day home of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples.
I also recognize that northern Manitoba includes lands that were, and are, the ancestral lands of the Inuit.
Together, we will continue to work to hear truths, and to advance understanding, opportunity, and healing for all.
Today, you have formally joined in the great family of Canadians, united by our laws and our constitution and the responsibilities of citizenship.
The country you join as citizens today, Canada, is ever evolving, ever changing, as living things must.
That healthy change and evolution is represented by the oath of citizenship itself, which, since 2021 has affirmed that the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Metis and Inuit people are part of the laws and constitution of this country.
The nation you are joining is continually re-examining itself, continually growing.
Each and every one of you are an important part of that growth. You and millions of other new Canadians bring dynamism, creativity and optimism to our country and especially here to Manitoba.
Each of you has your own story of what led to this special day. Some of you may have come to Canada first to study or to take up a specific job offer. Others may have arrived here in search of freedom and safety from hardship, persecution of war. Still others may have been drawn to Canada by family connections.
Whatever your own journey has been, I hope you have found friendship and encouragement from the people who now are your fellow Canadians.
Your presence here strengthens and enriches the country we love. In your life as involved, active citizens you will have the opportunity to shape Canada’s future in exciting new ways.
As Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba – and as somebody who grew up hearing stories of migration, challenges and citizenship from my own grandparents – I am honoured and delighted to welcome you to Canadian citizenship.
I hope your journey to Canada will bring you prosperity, community and peace.
Congratulations. Thank you. Merci. Meegwich.