Remarks by
The Honourable Anita Neville, P.C., O.M.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Golden Boy Dining Room, Manitoba Legislature
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 4:00 p.m.
(please check against delivery)
Fellow Manitobans, I am so delighted to join you at this celebration and this re-dedication to principles we all hold dear.
I am pleased to join you here in the heart of Treaty One land, home of the Anishinaabe and the Red River Metis people, in the capital of a province that is home to the Cree, Dakota and Dene people. Here and throughout Manitoba, we are working to advance understanding, healing and reconciliation and build a better home for all.
It may seem a little odd that we’re gathering for International Women’s Day in a place called the Golden Boy Dining Room.
But this building is also protected by a bust of Athena – the goddess from Greek mythology who represents wisdom and ferocity.
And those characteristics have been at the heart of the progress made by women ever since the first International Women’s Day in 1975.
In politics, in law, in education, in every walk of life, it has required wisdom to imagine new and better ways of doing things.
And women have had to be ferocious to stand up for their rights – and still do.
Let’s not forget that Athena wasn’t just the goddess of wisdom and learning. She was no shrinking violet. Athena was also the goddess of strategy in battle.
Strategy isn’t just about military matters. Strategy means focusing on your most important values, on the goals that align with those values, and on the tools you’ll need to attain them.
So, as somebody who has had a long involvement in education – from the K to 12 systems through to adult career learning – I’m pleased that today we’ll be hearing from Liz Choi, CEO of Education Canada Group.
I note that Liz’s personal blog is called Liz Ferocious, so I’m looking forward how she channels both sides of Athena in her thoughts on empowering women.
On International Women’s Day we celebrate progress made by women and remind ourselves of challenges that remain.
In Canada, we have narrowed the wage gap, but it’s still about 13 per cent. We have greater awareness of gender-based violence, but it has certainly not gone away, and it remains especially acute for Indigenous women and girls.
I’m confident that the dedication, courage and wisdom of women like you and like countless others across our province and country will continue to give us reasons to celebrate International Women’s Day in the future.
Thank you, Merci, Meegwich.