Manitoba Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba

The Honourable Anita R. Neville, P.C., O.M.

Yazidi Genocide in Broad Daylight

Lt.-Gov. Anita R. Neville invites Manitobans – particularly those who have never visited Government House before – to attend the next presentation in a series of free public events designed to welcome Manitobans into Government House and showcase outstanding and inspiring Manitobans who, through words and deeds, continually work to make the province better for all.

Lt.-Gov. Neville is pleased to welcome special guest Nafiya Naso for the September event. Nafiya Naso is a devoted human rights advocate who has been working tirelessly since 2014 to bring attention to the ongoing genocide of the Yazidi people in Northern Iraq and around the world. As the inspiration behind the Multi-faith Yazidi rescue project known as Operation Ezra and the Canadian Yazidi Association, Nafiya works directly with over 50 families representing over 400 people. September’s presentation will be focused on Operation Ezra and the Canadian Yazidi Association’s response to the genocide.

The event will be held Sept. 12, 2023, at Government House. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Program begins at 7 p.m. Parking is available on both sides of the Government House driveway.

Light refreshments to follow.

Those wishing to attend must register in advance with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor by calling 204-945-2753. Guests may reserve a maximum of two seats per registration.

Please note: Large bags and backpacks will not be permitted.

Registration is now open. Seating is limited. There is no cost to attend.