Remarks by
The Honourable Anita Neville, P.C., O.M.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Government House
Friday, October 28, 2022
(please check against delivery)
Friends, Manitobans, leaders of today and tomorrow, welcome to a day of discovery, discussion and dreams.
I’m honoured to welcome you to Government House, a heritage residence built more than 135 years ago in the heart of Treaty One territory. Here, in the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe and the Metis, in the capital of a province that is home to the Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, we are working to build a better society, a place of understanding, healing and reconciliation.
It feels fitting to me that the first event here at Government House in my term as Lieutenant Governor should be a workshop dedicated to adult education and leadership development.
Education, in all its forms, is the theme I have chosen for my time as Lieutenant Governor. In my previous career, I was involved both with the K-12 education system and with adult life and career training.
In an ever-changing world, education is what prepares us to understand – and withstand – those changes. And more than that: education allows us to work with those forces of change, to use them effectively.
Education lets us see which way the wind is blowing and teaches us to set our sails so that, rather than capsizing us, it helps us to our destination.
For that to be possible, we must continually seek out those who have a passion to understand the world around them, who are curious about how the world works and who dream about how it can work better. And we also need those people to seek a greater understanding of themselves.
In all sectors of society, in business and government; in health, education and the arts; in non-profit and faith institutions, we need leaders who possess that passion and curiosity.
That is what makes this year-long program such a wonderful investment in the future of our province, our country and our world.
I hope you come away from this day filled with new insights and, perhaps more importantly, new questions. I applaud you on your decision to commit to developing as leaders. I wish you well, wherever this year-long journey of discovery takes you, and I look forward to learning with you today.
Thank you, Merci, Meegwich.