Remarks by
The Honourable Anita Neville, P.C., O.M.
Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba
Government House
Thursday, October 10, 2024
(please check against delivery)
Friends of a proud Manitoban musical institution – welcome to Government House.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Treaty One territory and the homeland of the Red River Metis. As Lieutenant Governor, I acknowledge that our province is located on the treaty territories and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabe, Anishininew (ANISH-IN-INEW), Cree, Dakota, Dene and Nehetho (NE-HET-HO) Nation. And I acknowledge that northern Manitoba includes lands that were and are the ancestral lands of the Inuit.
As Manitobans, we respect the spirit and intent of treaties and treaty making and remain committed to working in partnership with First Nations, Metis and Inuit people in the spirit of truth, reconciliation and collaboration.
When Manitobans talk about what they love about living in our province, our diverse and deeply talented arts community is very often at or near the top of the list.
In every art form – in film and theatre, in literary and visual arts and especially in music – this province has deep reserves of talent and a long history of accomplishments.
An important date in that long history was the establishment 100 years ago of the Winnipeg Boys Choir.
As perhaps the oldest boys’ choir in Canada, this organization has developed talented singers for generations. It has introduced boys and young men to the beauty of harmony, the power of the human voice and the magic of hard work and dedicated practice.
For a century, audiences have been transported to beautiful worlds through the sounds of this choir. And choir members have had the opportunity to sing with professional musicians at the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and other jewels in Winnipeg’s artistic crown.
Helping young singers to develop their ears and find their voice has been the work of past and present conductors, instructors, and accompanists.
The prominent place of the Winnipeg Boys Choir in our city’s arts community has been a product of generations of hard work by these music professionals and by the friends and volunteers who have provided leadership and financial support. And of course it has been made possible by the love of music of choir members, who have come to discover the joy of filling their lungs and creating a beautiful sound.
Congratulations to all the members, supporters, staff and alumni of this great cultural institution. In this year, when we’re celebrating the 150th anniversary or the founding of the city of Winnipeg, arts organizations like the Winnipeg Boys Choir are a big part of what makes us cheer and makes this city special.
May you continue to weave musical magic through your second century.
Thank you. Merci. Meegwich. Shalom